Tuesday, 22 July 2014

My life in pictures

Went and chopped all my hair off! / Saying goodbye to my last uni house / All the fun of the fair at The Hoppings (Blog post here)
 I miss the poolside view, take me back on holiday please?! / You hardly ever see Red Admirals these days / Graffiti in Sheffield
Summer pudding = yummy! (Recipe here) / Seriously good coffee and some girl time at Couch/ Green tea, lime and mint cooler was amazing on a hot day!

Life has been a strange mixture of crazy and quiet over the past few weeks as I'm settling into my new place, job hunting and catching up with friends both at home and in Sheffield. I feel like I'm busy all of the time but also like I spend too much time binge watching Orange is the New Black. I guess this feeling is normal for all graduates, but I hope I can find a job or something to fill more of my days soon, I am actually bored of wearing my pyjamas past noon!

Anyway enough of me rambling about grad life, although England isn't a patch on the gorgeous weather of my holiday last month I have been trying to soak up all the sunshine we get here with yummy summer treats, walks through some of Sheffield's beautiful parks and a day at the fair.

You can follow me on Instagram here.

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